
Exploring whole numbers ( Number Operations & Number Theory )
erm    : 1 
Module : 1 - Capturing Data 
Unit 1      : Numbers Made Easy  (  History Of Numbers )   
The Ancient Maya Numbering System
  The Ancient Maya Indians from Mexico and America used symbols to represent their numbers.
As shown below, a dot was used to represent one and a line to represent five.

Like our decimal numbering system, order or placement matters. However instead of units, tens, hundreds, etc. the Maya placement value went from units to 20, to 360.

The symbols for one and five were used only up to a value of 359. After 359, the symbol for 360 replaced combinations of ones and fives.

Another basic difference from our decimal system was the fact that their numbers (numerals) were written in vertical columns with the top column value being 360, instead of from right to left as in decimal.

Like our decimal numbering system, the Maya system used a symbol to represent nought.

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